Contact Us

Get in Touch


Order Enquiries

If your order is late, incorrect , or if you're not happy with the food, please contact us directly on 07537806827

For Payment issues/Enquiries

If you paid online and require a refund, please call Appy Foods on 034 5350 3784 or Email us at

If you would like to go through frequently asked question, you can visit our online Help Center

Opening Hours

  • Monday 11:00AM - 11:00PM

    Tuesday 11:00AM - 11:00PM

    Wednesday 11:00AM - 11:00PM

    Thursday 11:00AM - 11:00PM

    Friday 11:00AM - 11:00PM

    Saturday 11:00AM - 11:00PM

    Sunday 11:00AM - 11:00PM

Call us


10 Crammavill Street, Grays